Candy 28th April 2015

Dear Ginna.... About 40 years ago, a new little girl moved in to your neighborhood. She was young, only about 10 years old, and she was scared and lonely.... Her mom had just taken her from the only family and home she had ever known to live in a strange town with strange people she'd never even met... Those people were her "new" family, the strange house, her "new" home, the school, her "new" school....She had no idea if she'd ever see her family again....Eventually, she met your daughter and through her, she met you and the rest of your family. Your house was full of activity, fun and general good natured mayhem.... You welcomed that girl in to your home and heart and allowed her to become another one of your kids. I have no doubt that, in the early days of arriving on your doorstep, you were a lifeline to that little girl.... You gave her comfort and a safe haven to be when she was overwhelmed with the strangeness of being transplanted to a whole new life... It wasn't long before you were "Mom Ginna" to her and when an even greater crisis happened, you were there...And you continued to be there for the next forty plus years.....You became a beloved and cherished part of that little girls' world and I want to thank you for that...Her life would have been "less than" without you in it.....Thank you, Ginna, for not turning away that little girl all those years ago.....We all wonder if we make a difference in life, if we've done anything that really matters to anyone else.... You did....